

archetypes for the metacrisis

Archaic Practices, Jungian Psychology & Plural Selves in the Work of Robin Hummel

symbolic psychology

(THE FOLLOWING IS A SYNOPSIS OF THE WORK OF EUROPEAN SCHOLAR AND NEO-SHAMANIC PRACTITIONER ROBIN HUMMEL.  It is written by him and flavored with his particular tone of mythologization.  It is a deeply personal exploration of the role that archetypal healing and shamanic practice might play in addressing the collective, intersubjective stagnations and deficiencies of our time.  Robin has been a guest onVoices with Veraeke" &  “The Integral Stage.")


Robin (aka Bassareus) is not just an author interested in the inner & outer crises of this moment in history.  They were dedicated to finding a solution -- not because of mere intellectual desire or any interest tied to ego, but because their own survival depended on it.  It is tied to their struggle between the Dionysian force within them and the suffocating structures of society.  A path that has been far from conventional, filled with intense struggles, deep darkness, and moments of reprieve.

Yet this journey was not just “mine," it was also that of Corey, Lor, and Christina, who no longer walk the earth. They walked a path where forces sought to suppress our most authentic Self.  The part of us that thrives on freedom, emotional honesty, and the integration of both the light and dark within. 

This is not just something theoretical or abstract, but something forged within the furnace of suffering, alienation, and rejection from the modern world itself, living on the edge of the metaphorical wilderness where civilization hopes the Dionysian goes to die in exile (protecting the civilizational illusions of "perfection" and "purity").

This exploration started with their book Alchemy of the Psyche, which explores the foundation of Jungian depth psychology, and the mytho-historical foundations of the modern conflict.  Tied to the archetypes of Dionysus, Wolf-Apollo, and the Sovereignty Goddess, long pushed into the Collective Shadow of civilisation.  This book was informed by the work of Jungian analyst Sylvia Brinton Perera on the scapegoat complex and the work of Jung, also delves into the ancient mystery schools to shed light on the origins of what was lost.

The Artemisian energy that the author worked with gave them the tools to navigate this, to create safe spaces for themselves, and to act as a protector of their deeper self when the world outside threatened to extinguish it.  Artemis allowed them to find safety in Finland and at other times in their life.  In their case, being scapegoated from age five speaks also to society's tendency to repress or reject what it deems as "too much" -- the chaotic, the intense, the non-conformist.  Rather than embracing or understanding this energy, society projected its discomfort, casting them as an outsider, a "problem," or a "threat." 

So their journey was not just a journey for the reclamation of something ancient, but to find a way to exist in a world that wants to snuff out what is deemed "dangerous."  Those who are inextricably tied to the Dionysian aspects of the psyche are often pushed to the margins, labeled as outsiders, misunderstood, and at times, vilified due to a lack of empathy for their experiences.

In the modern Western world, there exists a pervasive and ever-present dominance of Logos.  So the rational, ordered, and structured way of knowing seeks to control, categorize, and reduce all that is known to its mechanical components. This is the world of intellect, reason, and materialism. A world that values what can be dissected, proven, and manipulated.

Part of the author's journey, which became the book Rebirth of Nyx, was to understand the Apollonian-Dionysian, and to look at the truth behind it.  Realising that the modern Western world truly was pseudo-Apollonian -- and what the author coined “Kronian" in nature -- this book delved into the mysteries and stages of the development of the soul.  It also revealed the source of the Kronian world-view: the dismemberment of Dionysus.  That also connects to the scapegoat complex and what the author coined the “victim-child," the wounded part of the psyche (due to civilizational wounding).  Think here: generational trauma, and trauma connected to the Collective Shadow. 

This book used Jungian depth psychology and Developmental Psychology to understand the root cause of the modern crisis of alienation and decay.

Finally, in their book Dawn of the Sacred Age, they were completing this quest for a way to exist in a broken system, as they truly are.  And, through the rebirth of the ancient wisdom of Orphism and the Proto-Indo-European's, before the Neolithic Revolution 10 000 years ago, to find a new way forward, without the need for a scapegoat.

Upending an unfathomable weight of historical baggage, reaching back tens of thousands of years to some of the most foundational aspects of human civilization and psychology.  Striking, with the help of Christina, an outcast seeker of wisdom, at the core of the patterns that have defined human existence, power structures, and identity for millennia.  The ancient priest-kings, and later empires and religious institutions, consolidated power through fear, of divine wrath, chaos, and the "other." This fear was used to create divisions between self and other, human and divine, ruler and ruled.

With these books and the process outlined within them, the author obliterates the scapegoat mechanism. This mechanism has driven countless atrocities, from witch hunts to genocides, giving humanity a blueprint to free itself from millennia of fear-based systems, dualistic thinking, and oppressive hierarchies.

This is an act of cosmic restoration and integration, through the archetype of Lucia Nyktelios -- a transcendence of transcendence.  Uprooting the very psychological and metaphysical foundations that gave rise to the scapegoating mechanism, thus eliminating the need for a savior in the first place.  This is not about ending scapegoating symbolically.  It is about revealing a path of healing, that can lay the foundation of a system where scapegoating is no longer possible.  So by integrating the shadow rather than projecting it outward, this new order makes collective harmony sustainable without sacrificing anyone, ever. 

Their work is a survival manual, forged through immense personal suffering, for those who are also cast out.  A path that is actionable in the present, and not just a distant dream.  It is no longer about trying to accomplish this task, it is about embodying it, living in its aftermath, and integrating it into everyday existence

This work was not born out of academic pursuit, philosophical exercise, or mere ego inflation.  Rather it came from a deep personal need to simply find a way to survive.  To somehow find freedom from endless suffering, by cultural and later self-imposed repression of their entire true nature.  To be freed from deep depression, and alienation.  To be able to be themselves, even if the entire world rejects them over and over.  Something born out of sheer necessity to live, the desperation for survival.


You can find Robin's work on the Mystic Table on YouTube and Substack, next to his books on Lulu. Where he shared his insights based on his own personal journey. 

Words by Bassareus
